Released your app? Use App Versioning to create your next build!

You gathered your requirements, designed and built your app and it’s released to your users, now what? It’s time to think about the next version! A good app versioning strategy helps ensure the relevance of your app and keeps your users engaged. Having consistent app releases allows you the chance to fix issues, iterate on your ideas and shows your user base that you are committed to maintaining your app.

How often should you be updating your app? According to Forrester “teams that build great mobile experiences release eight to twelve times a year.” Regular releases are critical to balance updates from Apple and Google and meet your customers expectations.

Here are a few reasons to create a new version of your app:

  • Explore a new idea. Stop worrying about losing work or breaking your current app. Versioning allows you to keep adding new features to your app without costing you time and energy if they don’t work out.
  • Test new features. As you probably know from launching your app, feedback is key, and something you should continue to seek out. Use versioning to test a new feature with a select group of reviewers before pushing it live. Want to learn more about the benefits of testing? Check out our blog post.
  • Build 2.0. Build and release the next version of your app. Move quickly to keep releasing the features your users are asking for.
  • Bug Fixes. We’ve all tried to fix a bug only to find out that the fix caused another bug. If that sounds familiar, then app versions are your answer. Keep your users happy by fixing issues on the current build while you are work on the next release.

The recent release of Dropsource Enterprise includes app versioning. In Dropsource, you can create a new version or switch between existing versions by using the dropdown menu in the editor. For more details on this feature visit our Help Center.

The Dropsource app versioning feature is available for all customers on our Enterprise plan.

app versioning